
Design Services We Provide
• Architecture
• Site Design
• Master Planning
• Interior Design
• Exhibit Design
The Approach to Collaborative Design
Initial Meeting:
The first meeting familiarizes both parties with the intent of the project and the design services required. Brainstorming and a preliminary budget must be established in order to create a feasible approach to the project. (It is valuable to have this session within the client’s surroundings or at the intended project site.)
Schematic Design:
Establishing a clear and comprehensive program that focuses on the client’s requirements is an important step to a successful outcome of the project. This means a careful assessment and evaluation of the site and the program requirements to take advantage of design opportunities. This part of the project concludes with schematic drawings illustrating the design intent for the client’s review and approval.
Design Development/Preliminary Pricing:
After approval of the Schematic Design submission the design is developed to incorporate a more detailed description and selection of materials and construction methods. At this point the client is an integral part of the design team as his/her selections will inform the final design. A set of design documents is now prepared to be submitted for a preliminary estimate of cost. This is an important moment to verify the feasibility of the project as designed. this also allow for revisions to bring the project within the stated budget before the final construction documents are finalized.
Construction Documents:
These drawings describe in appropriate detail the requirements for the construction of the project. Information from consultants, engineers, and contractors is incorporated in the documents.
The contractor selected to build the project provides local and other governmental permits and approval as well as final estimates.
During this critical phase, the architect and the client work closely together with the building contractor to clarify issues and ensure that the design intent is followed. As the designer, I will always be available to answer questions and to resolve any design changes. The contractor builds the project from the construction documents, provides updated cost monitoring, and is responsible for the efficient management and quality of construction.
Initial Consultation is offered without charge
An Approach to Cost Concious Design
Sound design and good construction are enduring commitments and should not be disregarded as luxuries. Often neglected are the long-term implications of design decisions and their ultimate effects on the operating budgets. The consideration of future operating costs is essential to the long-range success of any project. Designing for the long term includes efficient energy management, accessibility for repairs, concern for low maintenance, practical use of local and enduring materials, and a commitment to a timeless architecture disengaged from predetermined schemes and formulas.
Design Choices:
Projects that incorporate innovative thinking produce cost conscious and dynamic architecture. Potential cost advantages may be found in the basic areas of design, form, material and light. For example: the establishment of a basic low-cost building core can be enhanced by adding functional forms and landscape elements such as walls and trellis. By concentrating the use of expensive materials in areas of greatest visual impact in a simply designed, economical structure can result in a product that visually far exceeds the limited budget. The skillful use of light, both natural, and artificial, helps define built forms and exalt
the visual qualities of materials creating a lively yet inexpensive environment.
Use of the Site:
The skillful manipulation and creative use of site conditions contribute to good building or landscape design. The use of southern exposure can create dramatic, sun filled spaces while taking advantage of solar shading. Exploring these design methods and others will lead to solutions that benefit the budget while contributing substantial value to the intended result.
Construction Process:
A project succeeds when it achieves the greatest possible value from the construction resources and simultaneously fulfills the design intent. During construction, the general contractor has the primary role for monitoring the cost and his or her experience and organization establishes the tone of the building process. The contractor must communicate alternative construction methods, identify potential issues, and provide (in conjunction with sub contractors) value-engineering. Careful assessment by the contractor of all aspects of bidding, from the clear understanding of the design intent, to selective demolition, site clearing, or site/building preparation, will affect the actual scope of work. Good construction management is imperative to controlling costs, capitalizing on construction resources, and realizing the accumulated efforts of planning and design.